Sunday, December 11, 2005

information war!

From Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive in The New York Times:

"The [secret committee formed to wage the new information war in the Muslim world] even examined the president's words. Concerned about alienating Muslims overseas, panel members said, they tried unsuccessfully to stop Mr. Bush from ending speeches with the refrain 'God bless America.'" It's funny, the ways in which Mr. Bush is unwilling to compromise his 'integrity' for the sake of the war on terrorism.

Another interesting line: "It is something of a mystery how [the] Lincoln [Group] came to land more than $25 million in Pentagon contracts in a war zone....In its rejected plan, the company looked to American popular culture for ways to influence new audiences. Lincoln proposed variations of the satirical paper 'The Onion,' and an underground paper to be called 'The Voice,' documents show. And it planned comedies modeled after 'Cheers' and the Three Stooges, with the trio as bumbling wannabe terrorists." Good god.

"The United States Army publishes a sister paper in Afghanistan, also called Peace. An examination of issues from last spring found no bad news." News is almost always bad... positive events are rarely ever newsworthy. Nobody in their right minds would believe a single word from a newspaper that published NO BAD NEWS. HELLO, America... you idiots.

"Another recipient of [the United States Agency for International Development] grants, Voice for Humanity...supplied tens of thousands of audio devices in Iraq and Afghanistan with messages intended to encourage people to vote....It is not clear how effective the messages were or what recipients did with the iPod-like devices, pink for women and silver for men, which could not be altered to play music or other recordings." Thanks for putting our taxpayer money to good, long-term use.

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