Tuesday, January 10, 2006

gaan of niet gaan

(Thanks to Klaas for correcting my erroneous Dutch.) Dilemma: 45 minutes late for Dutch class. Going for the second half (which is 90 minutes of the 3.5 hours) would nevertheless cost me almost 10 € roundtrip, and I'd learn almost diddly squat.

Oké, not so much of a dilemma then. Just guilt trippin. :)

Exciting news (to a nerdy cook in a foreign country): The solution to my spice name translation woes is here!


Klaas said...

10€ roundtrip?? (Go-pass + buss or something?) Gee, you must be really motivated ;)...

Just make it simple: "gaan of niet gaan": leave out the "te"'s, that's what we call an "anglicism" - mixing Dutch with English. So far for the cheap class. You're welcome ;)

carillonista said...

I stand corrected. Thank you. =)