Friday, August 25, 2006

hanging the bell

No more 24-hour marriage services in Las Vegas! Why don't you just stop the fun without stopping a single idiot (couple) from tying an inopportune knot.

In other discouraging news, Apple hasn't been doing too well. Paying off Creative, recalling laptops with Sony batteries that have a tendency to explode into flames, having its hacker-immune image scorched (albeit only during use of a third-party driver), and admitting to "excessive" work hours in Chinese factories... get a hold on, guys.

"Google understands English, doesn't it?" Alice asked me today. A couple months ago, Wendy's boyfriend was sure that nobody in the US would know about this great Dutch-language search engine called Google. A company so pervasive and yet culturally without frills that everybody thinks it belongs to their own culture. Impressive and slightly frightening.


Klaas said...

Ever seen the West-Flemish search engine? :-)

Klaas said...

Oops... URL typo... I meant this one.

carillonista said...

haha yes, i think there's one for every major flemish accent! i should make it my goal to get fluent enough in flemish to actually understand those search engines. why didn't i think of this spectacular motivation sooner?