Monday, March 06, 2006


I finally figured out why I never wash my loads as "white" and "colors." No, it's not a socio-political statement. It's just that I hardly have any white clothes.

I've become so desperate for baigan bharta, which none of the Belgian Indian restaurants serve or know of even though it's a common dish in Indian, that I tried tonight for the second time in my life to cook eggplant. The first time I cooked an eggplant dish, it was so inedible that I started to feel ill, tossed out the meal, and cooked dinner anew.

My adventure tonight began with spearing the eggplant on a chopstick and roasting it over an open stove flame for seven minutes, as our kitchen has no roaster. I also mashed together my own garam masala, forgetting to roast it (not that I could). Halfway through the cooking process, I had gone from optimist to gloomy Gus, but the final result proved far more edible than expected--and decidedly hot.

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