Tuesday, August 30, 2005

happy camper

i am a happy camper...literally. camping out in julia's former and lane's future room in the upstairs apartment i'm so fond of anyway. it is like escaping from the transformedness of #2 back to the good old days of #3. what a beautiful realization. the crickets (and an annoyingly yippy dog) chirp outside, but i am away from the hectic life of undergraduates... doug and i are making a 'pilgrimage' (for me) to the harkness state park, on which their mansion sits, after i pick up my visa from new york in the opposite direction. i'll be nearly dead on my feet from traveling by the time i throw my belgian party on friday night, but it'll be worth it.

i'm so happy to see familiar faces... caitlin across the hall, guildfolk everywhere, will on his way to one of his many computer jobs, even chris from TD working as the midwest admissions officer (!). the meeting with highsmith tainted this last week a bit, but i'll get over it. now that everyone's back in town, i can concentrate on my own projects and take a break from administrative work...

YUCMI desperately needs someone like me for PR and to keep the museum open and draw visitors (and potential donors), but susan thinks it's unlikely with my educational/career path, which i suppose might be true.

this was not the entry i intended it to be. i guess i was more carefree yesterday, but too tired/busy to write.

must go downstairs and pack some more.

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