Friday, January 12, 2007

pizza for pesos

What is wrong with our country if anti-immigrant sentiments are so strong right now that a pizza chain with a 60% Hispanic customer base receives hundreds of angry emails and even death threats for offering to accept pesos? People don't have time to sit down and write to their government representatives or their presidents about problems such as global warming or overcrowded schools, but they do have time to read this sign, remember it, go home, find Pizza Patron's contact information, and compose extraordinarily unproductive feedback that makes no difference in their communities or lives besides quashing an opportunity for some Hispanics (and tourists returned home) to use up spare pesos lying in their drawers. Wow thank you all for your valuable contributions to this country. I worry about people's attitudes towards legislation regarding immigration, but this incident makes me wonder how dangerous and disturbing those attitudes are in everyday life. Where did extreme nationalism ultimately take some other countries in the 20th century?

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